Los Angeles Wheelmen Grand Tour 6/28/2025
Double Metric, Double, Triple, Quad, and Double-Double Centuries
The 66th Annual Grand Tour will be held on June 28, 2025. With the minor exception of the northern terminus of the Double-Double, Triple, and Quad routes, the route remains the same as the 2024 routes. The start and finish is the Holiday Inn Express in Port Hueneme with a loop into Camarillo and back to Port Hueneme. The route (Highland and Lowland) then follows the original route to Moorpark, Ojai, Carpinteria, and back down the coast to finish in Port Hueneme at the Holiday Inn Express. The Double Metric follows the GT Highland course to the top of Potrero then follows its own course to the finish.
The Triple, Quad, and Double-Double riders will pick up a new route slip when they reach the northern most point of the Double course. They will then head north to Refugio and then back for an additional 100 miles to make 300 miles at the finish in Port Hueneme. To get Double-Double credit the Triple must be completed in 24 hours or less.
Quad and Double-Double riders will be given a final route slip for the last century to complete the 400 miles.
The Double-Double credit will be given to those riders completing the Highland or Lowland route in 36 hours or less.
The Grand Tour Quad (Highland or Lowland), will remain a 24-hour event.
Clarification of the Double-Double credit
The Double-Double is the same route as the Quad. The difference is you have 36 hours to finish. It begins with the Grand Tour Triple then the final hundred after that. You will get credit for the distance covered. Two hundred, three hundred, or four hundred miles.
Rider Limit:
150 Highland
150 Lowland
Triple, Quad, and Double-Double riders will be given registration priority and guaranteed entry.
Ride Registration Process:
To register for the ride, send an email to – lawheelmen2019@nullgmail.com with GT Double (Triple, Quad, etc.) in the Subject Line of the email. In the body of the email include your name and phone number. We are changing the registration process this year as follows. Upon receipt of your registration request you will be sent a PayPal invoice for the ride of your choosing. This will give you the option to pay by PayPal or Credit Card. Once payment clears, you will be sent a link to register for the ride.
Registration Discounts:
There are a few discount options available. In your email to us, let us know which one you are eligible for, and we’ll adjust the invoice amount we send you,
Discounts may not be combined
Important PayPal payment details:
Hotel Info:
As in previous years, we have a block of rooms at the hotel. Here’s the link to it –
The room block will be held until May 27, 2025.
What to Expect Next:
Los Angeles Wheelmen
Ira and Kermit
Lawheelmen2019@nullgmail.com or 310-367-0458