Our Century Challenge is in its 9th year and we have had as many as 739 club centuries reported in a year. During this time it has served as a significant incentive both for those reporting their centuries and for those perusing the results. If you do even one century per year we urge you to join in and add it to our totals.
Perhaps you don’t have the time or the interest to ride full centuries. We are starting a Metric Century Challenge this year which will allow members just doing the typical club ride to record a number of rides. We think this will also serve as an incentive to get on the bike and join us on more rides.
Basic guidelines are as follows:
- You must be a club member to participate.
- A century is any ride of 90 miles or more with doubles and brevets counting as one century. A metric century is a ride of at least 60 miles but less than 90 miles.
- Any ride of these distances counts including organized rides, club rides or rides on your own.
- To participate in either (or both) challenges email the Century Challenge Administrator at CenturyChallenge and you will receive a personalized Google Sheet where you can enter your ride totals by month. The data will automatically update the LA Wheelmen Century or Metric Century spreadsheet. There is also room on your Google Sheet where, if you choose, you can keep track of your rides along with whatever details you like.
- All reporting is on the honor system. Please record your centuries at least monthly. Reporting of centuries ridden more than 3 months prior is not allowed.
- Current results can be viewed below and there is a link to last year’s results.
- To view the metric or standard century master sheet, select the corresponding tab below.
Metric Century Challenge
Century Challenge